Bugaboo Fox Vs Bee

Trying to decide between Bugaboo Fox vs Bee?

Then let us help you decide which stroller will be best for you an your baby with our Bugaboo Fox 3 vs Bee 6 comparison guide.

When it comes to choosing the a stroller it can be quite confusing, especially with so many option available.

And no doubt if you’ve been looking at strollers you’ve come across the brand Bugaboo.

Bugaboo is a Dutch company that was founded back in 1996.

Ever since their first stroller, this company has been an industry leader in the manufacture of high quality strollers and baby products.

Today we will be looking at their most popular model, the Bugaboo Fox 3, and comparing it to one of their most compact models, the Bugaboo Bee 6. 

In this article we go into a detailed comparison of the two strollers, focusing on functionality, versatility, durability, and cost, and decide how the two match up. If you are in the market for a new stroller, then read on!

And if you love this guide on Bugaboo Bee vs Fox, then you’ll love these guides on Bugaboo Butterfly vs BeeBugaboo Buffalo vs FoxBugaboo Lynx vs Fox, and Bugaboo Fox 2 vs Fox 3. Or even our Bugaboo Bee 5 vs 6 review.

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Our Top Pick
Bugaboo Fox 3

The Bugaboo Fox 3 is one of the most comfortable, all-terrain strollers out there!

This lightweight stroller features durable all-terrain wheels and advanced suspension making for easy maneuverability.

As well as a high-performance mattress with an advanced 3D mesh, breezy bassinet.

And as you'd expect from a luxury stroller it effortlessly collapses into one piece and has a self-standing option, so it's easy to move and store.

As a plus, being part of the Bugaboo range there are also a ton of additional accessories that you can choose from.

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Bugaboo Fox Vs Bee

Let’s dive in and look at the key differences between the Bugaboo Fox vs Bugaboo Bee!

All About Bugaboo Fox 3 

The Fox 3 is Bugaboo’s is an all terrain stroller built for parents who want to use it on more than the pavement. It is built with chunky wheels that have tires designed to reduce wear by minimizing contact between the outer rim and the ground.

There is spring-loaded suspension on the wheels that helps to soak up any bumps or impacts when moving over rough terrain. 

The x-shaped frame also helps to provide extra shock absorption, ensuring a smooth ride for your child over dirt tracks, cobblestones, or any other type of ground.

Its ability to travel equally well over dirt, grass and concrete is the main selling point of the Fox 3. However, its rugged design does mean that it is quite heavy.

Despite its weight, this stroller is surprisingly maneuverable and can be pushed with a single finger.

The Fox 3 also come with a bassinet as well as a seat option, each of which can be clipped and unclipped from the frame in a matter of seconds.

The bassinet attachment will be perfect for your newborn, with a plush mattress and ventilation flaps to prevent your baby from overheating. 

Meanwhile, the seat is also exceptionally comfortable with a five point harness that will stop your toddler from falling out.

Although this stroller is quite large, you shouldn’t have too much problem storing it at home thanks to its folding design.

While the process of folding the stroller isn’t as easy as it is with other Bugaboo strollers, it does help with storing the Fox 3 or putting it in a car. 


  • All-Terrain
  • Spring-loaded suspension
  • Comes with both bassinet and stroller seat
  • There are ventilation ports on the bassinet to stop your baby overheating
  • Chunky wheels that can cope with any terrain
  • Can fold up to be more compact
  • Easy to push
  • Adjustable handlebar


  • Heavy and difficult to push up ramps, or over curbs
  • Can’t be folded with one hand
Our Top Pick
Bugaboo Fox 3

The Bugaboo Fox 3 is one of the most comfortable, all-terrain strollers out there!

This lightweight stroller features durable all-terrain wheels and advanced suspension making for easy maneuverability.

As well as a high-performance mattress with an advanced 3D mesh, breezy bassinet.

And as you'd expect from a luxury stroller it effortlessly collapses into one piece and has a self-standing option, so it's easy to move and store.

As a plus, being part of the Bugaboo range there are also a ton of additional accessories that you can choose from.

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All About Bugaboo Bee 6

If the Fox 3 is the land-rover of strollers, then the Bugaboo Bee 6 is an open-topped convertible.

This stroller is built to be both compact and speedy making it perfect for navigating crowded cities.

It still sports the spring-loaded suspension that we saw on the fox, although the wheels are smaller and designed for concrete rather than dirt or grass. 

That said, the Bee 6 will provide a smooth ride for your child over curbs, and cobblestones.

Since this stroller is designed for cities, it can be folded up with one hand with the push of a single button.

This makes it easy to take on public transport, and means you can leave the stroller in a hallway or under a table when you don’t need it. 

Just like the Fox 3, you can buy this stroller with both a bassinet and a seat, so you can use it for your newborn all the way up to the age of 4.

There is a bumper bar at the front of the seat, which helps your child sit forward and stop them slouching too much.

When your toddler is ready for a nap, you can fully recline the seat to lay it flat, so they can sleep peacefully and comfortably. 

With an adjustable handlebar and the aforementioned suspension, this stroller is very easy to push.

There is a large storage basket under the main seat that offers a great place to store belongings or shopping bags.

As its name suggests, the Bee 6 is both small and fast, making it the perfect stroller for the hustle and bustle of city life. 


  • Four-wheel suspension that allows the stroller to glide over any surface
  • Bumper bar in front of seat to prevent your child from slouching
  • Adjustable handlebars
  • The seat can fully recline to lie flat
  • Folds away easily with one simple motion
  • Comes with extendable canopy and under seat storage basket
  • Lightweight yet durable


  • Difficult to assemble
  • The seat isn’t as plush as those found on other Bugaboo products
  • Expensive compared to other strollers of its size 

Similarities And Differences Between Bugaboo Bee Vs Fox

The Bugaboo Fox 3 and Bee 6 share a lot of things in common, however they are designed for very different purposes.

In this section, we will be highlighting the similarities and the differences between these two models to help you decide which is the right one for you. 


Both strollers are very easy to push and have great suspension systems that allow them to travel smoothly over concrete and cobblestone streets.

The Fox 3 is built to be more rugged, with chunky wheels that can traverse over dirt and grass as well as smooth surfaces. Due to its all-terrain design it is significantly heavier and wider than the Bee 6. 

As such, you may struggle to navigate the fox through tight spaces and it isn’t the best stroller for taking to the shops where the aisle may become very crowded.

When it comes to city spaces, the Bee 6 is far more versatile and can turn on a dime even in confined quarters. 

As such, both strollers are very maneuverable, but will excel in different types of space.

If you want something you can take to the park or the beach, then the Fox 3 is a good choice.

On the other hand, if you plan to frequently take your stroller inside buildings or onto public transport, you would probably be better off with the Bee 6. 


Due to its streamlined nature, the Bee 6 doesn’t have a seat as plush as the Fox 3. As such, it is slightly less comfortable, although its suspension means it will provide an equally smooth ride.

The Fox 3 is far more luxurious, with a ventilated bassinet that will stop your baby overheating on warm days. You can close these vents when the weather gets colder to keep your child comfortable in all kinds of weather. 

To ensure your infant is protected from the elements, both strollers have extendable canopies.

These canopies have breeze windows, so your child can peek at the outside world while staying dry and shaded from intense sunlight. 

Portability And Weight

The Fox 3 is built for rural environments, and its chunky build quality means it is much heavier than the Bee 6.

As such, the Bee 6 is definitely the more portable of the two strollers and can be folded away with one hand when you need to take it on public transport. 

You can also fold the Fox 3, but doing so will likely require more than one hand. Even when folded, this stroller is still quite chunky and won’t be easy to lift onto public transport.

That said, if you are planning a day out, you should still be able to fit the folded Fox 3 into the boot of your car, provided it isn’t a very small car. 


Both of these products can be bought with both a seat and a bassinet, so you won’t have to replace them as your newborn grows up.

The Fox 3 is obviously the more expensive of the two, but the difference in price isn’t as big as you think. 

When you buy a product from Bugaboo, you are paying for premium build quality and a stroller that will last multiple generations.

This is part of the reason why the Bee 6 is more expensive than other strollers of its type, such as the Uppababy Minu V2. While neither stroller is cheap, they are very well-made and offer good value for money. 

Final Thoughts On Bugaboo Fox 3 Vs Bee 6

The Fox 3 and The Bee 6 are excellent strollers built for completely different environments.

Parents who live in the inner city, where they will mostly be pushing their children over concrete, will much prefer the lightweight maneuverability of the Bee 6.

Meanwhile, parents who like to go off road will find the all-terrain durability of the Fox 3 to be just the thing they need for those bumpy country roads.

And if you loved this guide, then make sure to check out these guides on Bugaboo Butterfly vs DonkeyBugaboo Fox VS Uppababy VistaBugaboo Fox 3 review, and best convertible strollers.

Our Top Pick
Bugaboo Fox 3

The Bugaboo Fox 3 is one of the most comfortable, all-terrain strollers out there!

This lightweight stroller features durable all-terrain wheels and advanced suspension making for easy maneuverability.

As well as a high-performance mattress with an advanced 3D mesh, breezy bassinet.

And as you'd expect from a luxury stroller it effortlessly collapses into one piece and has a self-standing option, so it's easy to move and store.

As a plus, being part of the Bugaboo range there are also a ton of additional accessories that you can choose from.

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bugaboo bee vs fox