Christmas Morning Traditions

Are you looking for some fun Christmas morning traditions to start this year with your family?

We have a ton of family Christmas ideas to inspire you as you plan ways to make Christmas morning extra special for your whole family for years to come.

Christmas morning is something that we look forward to all year!

Once you become a parent the excitement of Christmas is tripled.

It is a time where the excitement that you once felt as a child is able to be given to your children.

It is your time to start new family Christmas traditions, play Christmas party games, listen to traditional Christmas music, and give your children a smile from ear to ear.

There are many Christmas tradition ideas surrounding Christmas and each family does things in their own little way.

The truth is, each of the Christmas family traditions you create all add to the magic of Christmas and make it that little bit more special.

Christmas Card Sayings | Spending time with my family is the best part of Christmas.

Whether you’re looking for Christmas traditions to start with a baby, Christmas traditions for toddlers, or Christmas traditions for the whole family, you can’t look past the magic of Christmas morning.

We love Christmas morning for starting traditions as it is a time when everyone is together.

It’s a time when everyone is festive and full of excitement (especially the kids).

And it is a time where you can add in your own little traditions, ones that mean something to you and your family and that will give your children something to get excited about year after year.

These are some of our favorite family Christmas traditions ideas for Christmas morning.

And if you want to get into the spirit of Christmas, make sure you check out these meaningful Christmas family quotes and must do family Christmas bucket list ideas.

Best Christmas Morning Traditions To Start This Year

Christmas Morning Traditional - Christmas Breakfast

Christmas Breakfast Traditions

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So many people think about the big Christmas lunch or dinner, but no one ever thinks about traditional Christmas morning breakfast! Even though breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day.

This year, set a tradition for a family Christmas breakfast with all the trimmings.

Pancakes, fresh fruit, toast, bacon, eggs – you name it.

Start the day right by all sitting together to enjoy a meal.

Spend the time making memories and talking about the presents that have already been opened, the origin of Christmas, the people who are coming over, and what the kids are most looking forward to (presents, the answer is presents).

Wear Matching Traditional Christmas Pajamas

It does not matter what age you are, if you are all in matching outfits it is going to look damn cute!

Why not start a tradition of everyone wearing the same thing.

You can change throughout the day but even for a little while if your kids see you wearing the same clothes as them they are going to think it is so special!

Plus it will make for some amazing Christmas day photos.

Check out our favorite Christmas eve pjs the whole family will love!

Christmas Morning Traditions - Make Gingerbread house

Make A Gingerbread House

Every Christmas lunch needs a dessert.

Why not spend the morning making a gingerbread house together with the kids that can be used as a centerpiece during the lunch and then given as dessert afterwards.

The kids will love being able to decorate the gingerbread house and putting their own spin on it.

Plus it means that they can snack on the decorations whilst making it.

Christmas Morning Traditions - gift exchange

Play A Christmas Present Opening Game

Let’s face it, there isn’t much that is going to be more exciting than opening your presents on Christmas morning, except maybe playing some Christmas party games first.

Here are a few of our favorite fun gift exchange games to play with the whole family:

Hidden Gifts Treasure Hunt

Children love a good treasure hunt, so don’t just leave the presents under the tree to be found, hide them around the house!

To make it extra fun for the little kids, purchase some additional small inexpensive gifts that can be wrapped and hidden.

They’ll have a great time hunting down and opening all their gifts.

Just remember to make a note of where you left them all so they don’t go undiscovered.

Heads or Tails Gift Exchange Game

Let your gift exchange be dictated by the flip of a coin. If it lands on heads you choose a gift to unwrap. If it lands on tails, then you get to steal a gift from another person.

This is great for large and extended families.

Ideally you might want to separate gifts into those for the adults and those for the kids, however mixing them all together might add to the fun.

Pass The Parcel Gift Exchange

The same as birthday parties, wrap a Christmas present in multiple layers of wrapping in each layer add a small toy or gift.

Have the children sit down in a circle and play some music. While the music is playing the children pass the parcel around in a circle.

When the music stops the child holding the parcel gets to remove one layer of wrapping.

Keep playing until the final present is opened.

Hold A Family Auction Gift Exchange

Begin by collecting the gifts and giving everyone an equal amount of money, you can use Monopoly money or coins.

Have a parent act as the auctioneer (the will also receive the last remaining gift).

Prior to the game starting, family members can hold, shake, and feel the gifts to try determine what is in them.

Then each person is then given the chance to bid for the presents. The highest bidder wins the gift to keep.

Christmas Wishes Quotes | The best gift that one could wish for underneath the Christmas tree, is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.

Create A Christmas Songs List You Can Play All Day Long

Christmas music, you either love it or hate it, but the truth is without it Christmas morning just wouldn’t be the same.

It’s a great way to create an instant Christmas atmosphere and get everyone in the mood for the day’s festivities.

So from Christmas classics to popular Christmas hits create a Christmas Morning song list that will have you and your kids singing and dancing all day long.

Make it a fun family tradition by getting everyone to choose their favorite Christmas songs to add to the playlist. (Not sure how to create a playlist? Check out how to make them using spotify).

Visit Your Neighbors

Christmas is all about giving and sharing. Why not start some Christmas gift giving traditions by taking a plate of cookies over to your neighbors in the morning and wish them all Merry Christmas.

Spend a bit of time with each of them and let them know that they are welcome throughout the day if they like.

This will help teach the kids about including everyone and making sure that no one misses out during the festive period.

Hot Chocolate And Marshmallows

Christmas Morning Traditional - Hot Chocolate

Depending what time your kids wake you up on Christmas morning, it may still be a little chilly – yes I am talking about the 5am wakers!

However, whatever time you are up in the morning a great tradition to start is hot chocolates with marshmallows.

Have the first thing of the morning for the kids to open as their own mug with hot chocolate sachet and a few marshmallows.

It is also a great time to sit down and reflect as a family.

To talk about everything from the history of Christmas to what they are grateful for. And of course to enjoy their warm hot chocolate before ripping into the surprises left by Santa.

What Christmas Traditions Will You Start?

Christmas is a very fun and exciting time and it is best enjoyed with those you love and care about.

Why not put your own special spin on Christmas by adding in your own traditions and celebrations.

There are many traditions now that take place in the lead up to Christmas and on Christmas Eve including; Elf on the Shelf, Christmas Eve boxes, traditional Christmas stockings, leaving cookies out for Santa and much more.

But no one really thinks too much about Christmas morning.

Start your own Christmas traditions with your kids that they can continue once they have their own families.

And if holiday family traditions are your thing, then make sure you also check out these fun Halloween family traditionsEaster family traditions, family fun night ideas, and traditions to start with grandchildren.

Christmas Traditions