10 Baby Names Jumping Up The Charts Thanks To Bridgerton

Dearest gentle reader,

It appears that “Bridgerton” fever is not confined to the drawing rooms and ballrooms of the ton, but has extended to the most precious of all: the names bestowed upon our newborns.

As Netflix’s “Bridgerton” continues to enthrall with its depiction of Regency-era romance and drama, its influence permeates far beyond fashion and intrigue.

Parents the world over are inspired by the series’ exquisite names, opting for choices that exude both timeless elegance and distinctive charm.

Here, I present to you, dear reader, ten names that are ascending the baby name charts, all thanks to the beloved series.

bridgerton inspired baby names


This name, belonging to the quick-witted and rebellious Eloise Bridgerton, is seeing a rise in popularity for its charm and versatility​​.


Inspired by the regal Queen consort from the spinoff “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story,” this royal name is making a notable comeback​.


The intelligent and humorous Penelope Featherington has made this vintage girl name beloved once more, gaining favor among new parents​. I equally love it for it’s charming nicknames like Pen or Penny.


The “diamond of the season,” Daphne’s elegant and timeless name has seen a revival and is nearly as popular as it was during its peak​.


As the Bridgerton matriarch, Violet’s name, meaning “purple flower,” continues to be a popular choice, reflecting warmth and wisdom​.


A distant cousin of the Featheringtons, Marina’s name, meaning “of the sea,” is rising in popularity for its unique charm​.


The eldest Bridgerton son’s name remains a strong and timeless choice, embodying strength and leadership​.


The Duke of Hastings’ name continues to be popular, standing the test of time with its elegance and tradition.


This Bridgerton brother’s name is gaining traction due to its classic and appealing sound, embodying charm and charisma.


The second Bridgerton brother’s name, meaning “blessed,” is seeing renewed interest, reflecting a blend of sophistication and grace​.

These names, reflecting both the charm and elegance of the Regency era, are perfect for parents seeking timeless and sophisticated names for their children.

Yours truly…