Nicknames for Boys

Looking for the perfect boy nicknames to give the little men in your life (and the big ones too)?

Then our list of nicknames for boys is the perfect place to look!

Are you looking for cute nicknames for boys

We have those! 

How about funny nicknames for boys


Or maybe you need boy nicknames you’ll both love, then we’ve got you covered!

From cool to sweet, and strong to brave, all boys are unique, and you want their nickname to reflect that.   

That’s why we put together this list of the best nicknames for boys!

Here you’ll find unusual nicknames for boys, cool nicknames for boys, nicknames for guys, nicknames for brothers, and more!

And if you are wanting nicknames for other family members, check out these nicknames for mom, nicknames for sisters, and nicknames for grandma and grandpa. Or even these cute boy names.

Mother Son Sayings | Little boys can test your patience, run you ragged, and make you want to pull your hair out. But they will also melt your heart with just one look, and make you wonder how you ever exhisted before them.

What Is A Cute Nickname For A Boy?

When looking for cute nicknames for boys, or cute nicknames for girls, you’ll want to ensure that you choose a nickname that embodies their personality or has a special meaning!

Is he always laughing and smiling? Then a cute nickname like giggles might be perfect!

Or maybe something like baby face fits if he looks much younger than he is!

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing a boy nicknames, so pick out a few cute boy nicknames and try them out till you find one that you both love!


Best Nicknames For Boys

  1. Baby
  2. Honey Bunch
  3. Baby Bear
  4. Hubby
  5. Baby Boy
  6. Hug-a-bug
  7. Bae
  8. Kid
  9. Big Boy
  10. Lamb
  11. Big Guy
  12. Little
  13. Bits
  14. Little Dude
  15. Bitsy
  16. Little Guy
  17. Bitsy-boo
  18. Little Man
  19. Bitty
  20. Lover Boy
  21. Blue Eyes
  22. Mini-Me
  23. Brown Eyes
  24. Mister
  25. Bubba
  26. My Guy
  27. Bucky
  28. Pumpkin
  29. Buddy
  30. Pup
  31. Captain Cutie
  32. Shorty
  33. Cupcake
  34. Snug-a-bug
  35. Cupie-Doll
  36. Sonny Boy
  37. Cutie
  38. Spanky
  39. Cutie Patootie
  40. Squishy
  41. Dearie
  42. Sunshine
  43. Dumpling
  44. Sweet Boy
  45. Gem
  46. Sweet Pea
  47. Handsome
  48. Sweetie
  49. Honey
  50. Sweetie Pie

Cute Nicknames For Boys

  1. Angel Eyes
  2. Fuzzy Wuzzy
  3. Babe
  4. Giggles
  5. Babushka
  6. Hulk
  7. Baby Face
  8. Hunk
  9. Babykins
  10. Itty Bitty
  11. Bambino
  12. Little Lamb
  13. Big Bear
  14. Lovey Dovey
  15. BooBoo
  16. Minky
  17. Bubbles
  18. Owlet
  19. Bubby-Boo
  20. Piglet
  21. Bugga Boo
  22. Pooh Bear
  23. Bugsy
  24. Pork Chop
  25. Bungy
  26. Puddin’
  27. Bunny
  28. Smooches
  29. Buttercup
  30. Snookums
  31. Cheeky
  32. Sprinkles
  33. Chipmunk Cheeks
  34. Sugar
  35. Chubs
  36. Sunny Delight
  37. Chunky Monkey
  38. Sweet One
  39. Cocoa Puff
  40. Sweetiekins
  41. Cookie
  42. Sweetums
  43. Cuddle Bunny
  44. Tootsie Pop
  45. Cutie Pie
  46. Tuna
  47. Dimples
  48. Twinkie
  49. Dreamboat
  50. Wiggle Worm
  51. Fruitloop
  52. Wolfie
Baby Boy Quotes - A little baby boy will fill your hearts with love and joy.

Boy Nicknames You’ll Both Love

  1. Ace
  2. Nugget
  3. Beau
  4. Peanut
  5. Bebo
  6. Pickle
  7. Biggie
  8. Prince
  9. Boo
  10. Ranger
  11. Boop-Boop
  12. Rocket
  13. Bud
  14. Rocky
  15. Buster
  16. Short Stack
  17. Buzz
  18. Shortcake
  19. Champ
  20. Simba
  21. Chico
  22. Sir
  23. Clone
  24. Slugger
  25. Cuddle Bug
  26. Smalls
  27. Dash
  28. Smiley
  29. Doodle
  30. Sparky
  31. Half-pint
  32. Squirt
  33. Hero
  34. Stinker
  35. Homes
  36. Sunny
  37. Honey Bear
  38. Tadpole
  39. Jedi
  40. Tater Tot
  41. Joey
  42. Tiger
  43. Junior
  44. Turbo
  45. Kiddo
  46. Ziggy
  47. Laddie
  48. Zippy
  49. Meatball
  50. Zips
  51. Munchkin

Funny Nicknames For Boys

  1. Ankle Biter
  2. Goose
  3. Bobo
  4. Gravedigger
  5. Bookworm
  6. Gus Gus
  7. Brains
  8. Hobbit
  9. Brick
  10. Hurricane
  11. Butterball
  12. Jellybean
  13. Cheeseball
  14. Kermit
  15. Chewbacca
  16. Kooky
  17. Chewy
  18. Macho Man
  19. Clown
  20. Monkey
  21. Clumsy wumsy
  22. Oddball
  23. Cocky
  24. Professor
  25. Crazy
  26. Punisher
  27. Cuckoo
  28. Quicksilver
  29. Doofy
  30. Roadrunner
  31. Dumbo
  32. Scrappy
  33. Egghead
  34. Sidekick
  35. Einstein
  36. Slim
  37. Fun-sized
  38. Slowpoke
  39. Funny Face
  40. Smiget
  41. Funny Man
  42. Squirmy
  43. Gilligan
  44. Squirmy Wormy
  45. Godzilla
  46. Tornado
  47. Goober
  48. Turtle
  49. Goofball
  50. Twinkle
  51. Goofy

Cool Nicknames For Boys

  1. Ax
  2. Killer
  3. Baller
  4. Knockout
  5. Batman
  6. Lion
  7. Big Man
  8. Nibbles
  9. Black Panther
  10. Ninja
  11. Cadillac
  12. Panther
  13. Captain America
  14. Robin
  15. Caveman
  16. Romeo
  17. Charming
  18. Rowdy
  19. Cowboy
  20. Skyscraper
  21. Dr. Strange
  22. Spiderman
  23. Energizer
  24. Spike
  25. First Mate
  26. Suave
  27. General
  28. Superman
  29. Hammer
  30. Swoosh
  31. Hawkeye
  32. Tarzan
  33. Heartbreaker
  34. Thor
  35. Hercules
  36. Titan
  37. Hot shot
  38. Trouble
  39. Hottie
  40. Volcano
  41. Iceman
  42. Wolf
  43. Iron Man
  44. Wolverine
  45. Joker
  46. Zeus
  47. Kane
  48. Zorro
  49. Khal
Boy Mom Quotes - And she loved a little boy very much, even more than she loved herself. – Shel Silverstein

Unusual Nicknames For Boys

  1. Aldo
  2. Gandalf
  3. Asa
  4. Giant
  5. Bam Bam
  6. Ginger
  7. Beanstalk
  8. Granite
  9. Beethoven
  10. Guapo
  11. BFG (Big Friendly Guy)
  12. Gumby
  13. Canelo
  14. Hollywood
  15. Cannon
  16. Jackhammer
  17. Chaos
  18. Jaguar
  19. Chef
  20. Mavrick
  21. Cyclops
  22. Mountain
  23. Delta
  24. Number 1
  25. Doc
  26. Papi
  27. Donut
  28. Potato
  29. Drogo
  30. Q-Tip
  31. Duffy
  32. Sandstorm
  33. Dynamo
  34. Scorch
  35. Edge
  36. Scrappy-Doo
  37. Ever
  38. Shade
  39. Falcon
  40. Sticks
  41. Fish Face
  42. Stilts
  43. Fishy
  44. Tailor (made)
  45. Fonzie
  46. Tank
  47. Fox
  48. Woo Bear

Nicknames For Guys

  1. Alpha
  2. Knockout
  3. Amateur
  4. Macho
  5. Amigo
  6. Money
  7. Beefy
  8. Muscles
  9. Bevis
  10. Noob
  11. Bolt
  12. Prettyboy
  13. Borat
  14. Protector
  15. Braddah
  16. Punk
  17. Brewski
  18. Rebel
  19. Bro
  20. Richie Rich
  21. Broski
  22. Rookie
  23. Butthead
  24. Savage
  25. Captain
  26. Shadow
  27. Cash
  28. Six-pack
  29. Chase
  30. Slim Shady
  31. Chief
  32. Soldier
  33. City Boy
  34. Squints
  35. Doofus
  36. Sting
  37. Dude
  38. Storm
  39. Dynamo
  40. Stud
  41. Funnyman
  42. Supernova
  43. Gambler
  44. Vapor
  45. Hater
  46. Wise Guy
  47. Homie
  48. Yoda
  49. King Kong

Final Thoughts On Boy Nicknames

Finding the perfect nickname is never easy but we hope we were able to help inspire you to find a nickname that you love!

And if you’re still looking for more great nicknames, try these baby nicknames, husband nicknames, boyfriend nicknames, and nicknames for girls for more inspiration!

Cute Nicknames For Boys

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