Grandparents Who Babysit Their Grandkids Live Longer. Here’s Why

Have you ever wondered if spending time with your grandkids could actually add years to your life? Well, it turns out there might be something to that!

In fact, there’s some fascinating research suggesting that grandparents who babysit their grandchildren live up to five years longer than those who don’t.

grandparents who babysit

A notable study published in the journal “Evolution and Human Behavior” in 2016 found that grandparents who provided occasional care for their grandchildren had a 37% lower risk of dying during the 20-year study period compared to those who did not provide any care.

That said, before you rush out to use your parents house as a daycare facility, it’s important to note that excessive caregiving can lead to stress and burnout, which could also negate these benefits.

How Babysitting Your Grandkids Might Lead To Living Longer

Let’s dive into why being an active, involved grandparent might just be one of the best things you can do for your health and happiness.

Increased Physical Activity

Running after energetic toddlers, playing at the park, or even walking them to school gets you moving more than you might otherwise. Regular physical activity improves cardiovascular health, maintains muscle strength, and enhances flexibility, all of which contribute to a longer, healthier life.

Enhanced Mental Stimulation

Engaging with your grandkids in activities like board games, puzzles, and helping with their homework provides valuable mental exercise. This stimulation keeps your brain active and can help delay the onset of cognitive decline, keeping your mind sharp and alert as you age.

Reduced Loneliness

Spending quality time with your grandchildren can alleviate feelings of loneliness and social isolation, which are linked to various negative health outcomes. The joy and companionship of your grandkids provide emotional support and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Sense of Purpose

Knowing that you play an important role in your grandkids’ lives gives you a sense of purpose and fulfillment. This feeling of being needed and valued can positively impact your mental health, increasing your motivation to stay healthy and active.

Lower Stress Levels

While caregiving can sometimes be challenging, the love and joy you receive from your grandchildren often outweigh the stress. Positive interactions and bonding with your grandkids can reduce stress hormones in your body, promoting a more relaxed and happy state of mind.

Stronger Social Connections

Regularly interacting with your grandchildren strengthens your family bonds and expands your social network. Having strong social connections is crucial for emotional and mental health, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety.

Health Monitoring

Being actively involved in your grandkids’ lives often makes you more mindful of your own health. You might find yourself more motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle, go for regular medical check-ups, and take better care of yourself overall, ensuring you stay fit and capable of enjoying time with your family.