Aztec Girl Names

Are you trying to uncover the best Aztec girl names with meanings for your baby girl?

Like any good archeologist, we’ll help you unearth the best Aztec baby girl names!

Aztecs are known for being a culturally advanced civilization from the 13th and 14th centuries.  They were a diverse people, who derived many of their names from nature; plants, animals, weather, and the solar system.

Female Aztec names were often based on goddesses, princesses, and royalty!  

From princess names like Erendira or Quetzal!

To goddess names like Ahuric or Tozi!

To baby girl Aztec names you’ll love like Atzi, Izel, Zuma, and Zyanya!

You’re sure to find several Aztec inspired names you’ll adore on our ultimate list of Aztec names for girls!

Here you’ll find the best unique Aztec girl names, Aztec princess names, Aztec goddess names, beautiful Aztec girl names, and more!

And if you love these Aztec names with meanings, you’re sure to love these royal girl names, earthy girl names and vintage girl names! Or any of these 1000+ unique girl names.

Female Aztec Names

Best Aztec Girl Names


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘golden flower’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘rain’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘Aztec’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘little woman’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘star garment’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘blood’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘secret’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘to dance’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘face’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘deer’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘survivor’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘doll’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘prickly pear fruit’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘medicine’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘younger sister’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘an artist or creative person’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘our mother’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘noble one, or one of fire’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘youngest sister’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘source of life’


– of Aztec origin meaning ‘forever, always’

Baby Girl Aztec Names

Unique Aztec Girl Names

Chalchihuitl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘turquoise’
Chicomecoatl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘seven snakes’
Chimalma– of Aztec origin meaning ‘shield-bearer’
Coaxoch– of Aztec origin meaning ‘serpent flower’
Coyolxauhqui– of Aztec origin meaning ‘painted with bells’
Icnoyotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘friendship’
Ixcuiname– of Aztec origin meaning ‘four faces’
Macuilxochitl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘five flowers’
Mixcóatl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘serpent of the sky’
Teiuc– of Aztec origin meaning ‘second born’
Tepeloyotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘heart of the mountains’
Tlachinolli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘fire’
Tzitzamitl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘grandmother / Goddess of the sky’
Xochicotzin– of Aztec origin meaning ‘fire serpent’
Aztec Names For Girls

Aztec Princess Names

Atotoztli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘daughter of the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma’
Azcaxochtzin– of Aztec origin meaning ‘queen of Tepetlaoxtoc’
Chalchihuitlcue– of Aztec origin meaning ‘she who wears a robe of green jewels’
Erendira– of Aztec origin meaning ‘smiling princess’
Itzpapalotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘obsidian butterfly’
Quetzal– of Aztec origin meaning ‘precious flower or queen’
Quetzalli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘feather; precious thing’
Tlazohtzin– of Aztec origin meaning ‘little necklace of flowers’
Xochiquetzal– of Aztec origin meaning ‘precious feather / flower’
Xochiyotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘heart of a gentle flower’
Yaretzi– of Aztec origin meaning ‘you will always be loved’
Yoloxochitl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘flower of the heart’
Zeltzin– of Aztec origin meaning ‘delicate’
Aztec Names For Girls

Aztec Goddess Names

Ahuric– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of running water and streams’
Apozanolotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of purity’
Atlacamani– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of storms’
Atlacoya– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of drought’
Atlatonan– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of earth and everything on it’
Atlatonin– of Aztec origin meaning ‘mother / goddess’
Ayauhteotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of mist and haze’
Chalmecacihuilt– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of the underworld and souls that pass through it’
Chiconahui– of Aztec origin meaning ‘hearth-goddess’
Coatlicue– of Aztec origin meaning ‘mother of all gods’
Huixtocihuatl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of fertility’
lamatecuhtli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of death’
Mayahuel– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of fertility and childbearing’
Metztli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of night’
Nahuatl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of waters and rivers’
Omecihuatl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of all creation’
Tozi– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of healing and sweet water’
Xitllali– of Aztec origin meaning ‘goddess of the moon’
Aztec Goddess Names

Beautiful Aztec Girl Names

Cozamalotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘rainbow’
Erandi– of Aztec origin meaning ‘sunrise / dawn’
Etapalli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘wing’
Ihuicatl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘the sky’
Jatziri– of Aztec origin meaning ‘dewdrop’
Meztli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘moon’
Miyaoaxochitl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘maize tassel flower’
Ohtli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘road’
Sugey– of Aztec origin meaning ‘sunlight’
Tenoch– of Aztec origin meaning ‘fruit’
Xochil– of Aztec origin meaning ‘flower’
Yaotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘warrior’
Yolotli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘heart’
Aztec Baby Girl Names

Aztec Names For Girls You’ll Love

Amoztli– of Aztec origin meaning ‘book’
Atl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘water’
Chantico– of Aztec origin meaning ‘she who dwells in the house’
Chipahua– of Aztec origin meaning ‘clean’
Citlalic– of Aztec origin meaning ‘rising star’
Cuallee– of Aztec origin meaning ‘good’
Cuicatl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘song’
Ilancueitl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘old woman / skirt’
Izel– of Aztec origin meaning ‘unique’
Mizquixaual– of Aztec origin meaning ‘mesquite face paint’
Ome– of Aztec origin meaning ‘dual or two’
Tayanna– of Aztec origin meaning ‘suray’
Toci– of Aztec origin meaning ‘grandmother’
Tonalnan– of Aztec origin meaning ‘mother of light’
Xiloxoch– of Aztec origin meaning ‘calliandra’
Xiuhtonal– of Aztec origin meaning ‘precious light’
Xocotzin– of Aztec origin meaning ‘youngest daughter’
Xocoyotl– of Aztec origin meaning ‘youngest child’
Zuma– of Aztec origin meaning ‘the Lord frowns in anger’

Final Thoughts On Girl Aztec Names

Finding the perfect girl Aztec names is never easy, but we hope we were able to help inspire you to find a girl name that you love!

And if you’re still looking for more great girl names earthy girl names, royal girl names, princess girl names and Biblical girl names try these for more inspiration!

Beautiful Aztec Girl Names