Nicknames for Isabella
Are you looking for the best nicknames for Isabella that are both cute and funny?
Then let us help with our ultimate list of nicknames for the name Isabella!
Isabella is the Italian and Spanish versions of the Hebrew name, Elizabeth. In Hebrew Elisheba means “God is my oath”. It is related to the name Isabel which was hugely popular among medieval royals!
Isabella remains popular today, ranking in the top 10 baby girl names since 2004. It even rocked the #1 position in 2009 and 2010!
Isabella is certainly a beautiful and popular name today, and has adorable and fun Isabella nicknames!
Here you’ll find the best nicknames for Isabella! We have cute nicknames for Isabella, funny nicknames for Isabella, cool nicknames for Isabella, and even a ton of famous people named Isabella!
Of course we wouldn’t just leave you hanging with a gorgeous Isabella nickname and nothing to go with it! So check out our middle names for Isabella to help complete the set!
And, if you love these Isabella nick names, be sure to check out these nicknames for Amelia, nicknames for Jade, and nicknames for Abigail.
Best Nicknames For Isabella
- Aila
- Izzy B
- BeaBea
- Laila
- Bebella
- Layla
- Belinda
- Lily
- Bell
- Lisa
- Belle
- Lizzo
- Belles
- Lola
- Bellia
- Miss Bella
- Bellsy
- Nib
- Chabela
- Sabela
- El
- Sabell
- Elle
- Sable
- Ib
- Sella
- Isabelita
- Zabella
- Isabelle
- Zelle
- Iso
- Zizzy
- Izzo
Cute Nicknames For Isabella
- Bea
- Ibby
- Bebi
- Isabelly
- Bee
- Isla
- Belita
- Issa
- Bella Bear
- Issie
- Bella Boo
- Issy
- Bella-boo
- Lia
- Bellaboo
- Lil-B
- Bells
- Lilita
- Belly
- Missy Bella
- BiBi
- Sabella
- Billie
- Sabie
- Billy
- Silly Bella
- Elsie-Belsie
- Tibbie
Funny Nicknames For Isabella
- Belaquita
- Isel
- Belize
- Issy Wizzy
- Bella Bella
- Jelly Belly
- Belladonna
- Kissabelle
- Bellarina
- La
- Beller
- Leaning Tower of Pisabella
- Bellzie
- Mozeralla Bella
- Cruella
- Pissy
- Dizzybella
- Pissybella
- HissyBella
- Sillybella
- Ice Ice Baby
- Stella
- Isadora
Cool Nicknames For Isabella
- Abby
- Izz
- BeBe
- Izzie
- Bel
- Izzy
- Beli
- Izzybella
- Bella
- Lala
- Bellesy
- LeeLee
- Bellisa
- LittleB
- Chalala
- Miss I
- Chavela
- Nibby
- Ella
- Sabel
- Elles
- Sabelle
- Is
- Sebelles
- Isa
- SissyBella
- Isababe
- Zabelle
- Isabel
- Zella
- Iso B
Famous People Named Isabella
- Isabel Allende (Spanish Author)
- Isabella Bird (British explorer)
- Isabella Boylston (American ballet dancer)
- Isabella Ferrari (Italian actress)
- Isabella Gerasole (American actress and writer)
- Isabella Hofmann (American actress)
- Isabella Leong (Macanese-born actress)
- Isabella of France (She-Wolf of France, was Queen of England as the wife of Edward II)
- Isabella of Portugal (Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Spain, Germany, Italy, Naples and Sicily and Duchess of Burgundy by her marriage to Emperor Charles V)
- Isabella Rossellini (Italian Actress)
- Queen Isabella (The Queen of Castile (Spain), who was married to King Ferdinand II of Aragon)
Final Thoughts On Isabella Nicknames
Finding the perfect nickname is never easy but we hope we were able to help inspire you to find a nickname that you love!
And if you’re still looking for more great nicknames, try these nicknames for Katherine, nicknames for Sienna, and nicknames for Ava for more inspiration!