Graco Sense2Snooze Vs SNOO

Trying to decide between Graco Sense2snooze Vs SNOO bassinets?

Then let us help you decide which is the best for you and your baby with our SNOO vs Graco sense2snooze comparison guide.

Sometimes as a parent you need a helping hand, and with the aid of technology that hand can be an electrical one. Both at Graco and SNOO they have attempted to create a smart or automatic rocking bassinet.

The idea here is that when your baby starts crying, the bassinet actually hears this happening and responds with rocking motions to help them go back to sleep.

It doesn’t always work, that’s for sure, and there are different features which make each product distinct, but how successful is this automated rocking, and is it worth the money?

Each product has similarities to the other, but the major point of difference here is the price point. There is a large discrepancy between the Graco Sense2Snooze and the SNOO Smart Sleeper, so an investigation into each product’s features and success is necessary to differentiate whether this steep increase is necessary.

We hope this article helps you understand the idea of automatic rocking, how it could help you, and whether these products are a worthwhile pursuit or if they aren’t worth the money.

So, let’s dive in an explore the world of automated bassinets together, specifically Sense2snooze vs SNOO!

And if you love this guide on Graco Sense2snooze bassinet vs SNOO, make sure to check out our guides on what to wear under SNOO sack, and best mini cribs. Or even our guide to the best rocking bassinets!

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GRACO Sense2Snooze – What Does It Offer?

So, the GRACO Sense2Snooze is a cool piece of technology that utilizes some simple engineering and technological components that allow the smart technology to recognize when your baby is awake through an in-built microphone.

When the built-in microphone detects the crying noise your baby makes, it initiates a rocking motion and even lullabies to encourage the baby back to sleep without you even having to leave your bed.

GRACO provides white noise (babies love this) or just natural sounds, both are proven to help babies sleep – overall there are 10 ‘Sleepy Songs’ and 10 ‘Soothing Sounds’.

Make sure you figure out which combinations your baby likes most and you can actually program them to occur every time your baby wakes up, helping the success of the rocking increase.

There are 3 different motion speeds you can activate, as well as 2 modes of vibration. All of these features in amalgamation mean your baby will sleep like a log if they stir in the night, without you even having to push a button – in theory.

Some other great features to note in this product are the really helpful and practical storage pockets that are great for diapers and burping blankets, all the things the robotic programming can’t manage.

The bassinet also remains pretty small for what it actually is, it doesn’t really exceed the size of normal bassinet even with the additions. Yet it still has safety features mothers will love such as mesh sides not only for the baby’s safety but also so you can have a direct line of sight to the baby. 

Additionally, the bassinet is super easy to clean, with machine washable materials, to help cover any diaper blowouts.

One feature we do love is the canopy, showing that the people at GRACO value the bassinet’s normal functions too, as well as their additional features they need to still be a functional bassinet.

Lastly, one thing we like about what GRACO offer, is that if the automated rocking seems a little gimmicky to you, then you can simply purchase the same bassinet but with manual operation, meaning you don’t need the automated microphone part, you simply operate the rocking motions yourself – for a smaller price too.

Our Top Pick
Graco Sense2Snooze Bassinet with Cry Detection Technology

The Graco Sense2Snooze is a fantastic option when it comes to SNOO alternatives!

It's main feature is it's cry detection technology. 

There are 3 speed variations, 2 vibration settings, 10 songs, and 10 soothing sounds, plus white noise, to calm and quiet your baby. And when you know what works for your little one, you can save the preferred settings for a quicker response when fussing starts. 

The built-in storage and wheels also makes it easy to move your bassinet to where you need it most.

04/22/2024 02:03 am GMT

SNOO Smart Sleeper – What Does It Offer?

The main selling point of the SNOO Smart Sleeper is that it can help your baby get to sleep with automatic rocking rather than you having to do anything yourself. 

Just like the GRACO, the SNOO Smart Sleeper works off an in-built microphone, which in response to your baby’s cries, helps them to sleep with vibrations, movement, and lullabies. However, a big difference with this product, the SNOO, is that they actually have a compatible app you can control the bassinet with, as well as a manual control too.

We really thought this is one of the best features, beyond the automatic rocking, the app is really useful and means you can change the settings and control them from your bed if you wanted to – super useful.

The app is also full of helpful info from pediatricians who recommend how to use the product and provide general advice about baby’s sleep schedules, etc.

Regardless, one super cool feature that can be quite effective is that the rocking and lullabies, so long as you haven’t set them up differently, will often intensify a little as the baby continues to cry, and as they sleep.

This just means there is more effectiveness and success with this approach, we feel.

Once more, mesh sides provide a super safe environment that is also an unimpeded view of your child, so even if you aren’t sleeping you can see whether they are happy or not.

Our Top Pick
SNOO Smart Sleeper Baby Bassinet - Bedside Crib with Automatic Rocking Motions and Soothing White Noise

The SNOO Smart sleeper bassinet combines technology, innovation, and comfort to help soothe your baby to sleep!

This automatic rocking bassinet works off an in-built microphone, which in response to your baby’s cries, helps them to sleep with vibrations, movement, and lullabies.

But what sets the SNOO smart sleeper apart from the rest is their compatible app so you can control the bassinet with a simple touch on your phone.

04/17/2024 04:03 am GMT

Graco Sense2snooze Vs SNOO: How Do The Products Compare?

Well, let’s make one thing clear, the SNOO is over double the price than the GRACO. So, the main comparison here is what the SNOO offers or succeeds in which the GRACO does not.

One thing the SNOO does offer, which may point to the price, which the GRACO does not, is the app. The app is really useful for certain, and it also provides the most optimization of this automatic rocking.

The GRACO doesn’t really have any of this, the most programming options available are you can programme your babies favorite movements, etc, so it remembers.

If this is something you are interested in, practicality, programmability, then the SNOO may be a better choice, but understand that you are paying a lot more for this app, so it’s up to you whether this is worth your money or not. 

This money clearly went to design the app, which is well designed and potentially offers more than just programmability but actual advice from a real pediatrician, sleep reports for your baby (parents love this), and a variety of customizable options to help your baby get to sleep.

There isn’t that much difference in these products beyond these electronic assistants. The GRACO unit does have a canopy, while the SNOO goes for a much more minimal design. The SNOO is also slightly larger.

The SNOO does actually come with some other products of theirs you could use, such as the SNOO Sacks as well as a mattress and everything else you need for immediate use. The GRACO is simply a piece of furniture.

The Verdict: SNOO vs Graco Sense2snooze

Both products are pretty good, they both require a little faith that they will work. The general response from parents is that this automated rocking will work for some babies while others will hate it. 

Different customers report it either as a waste of money, or as a total life changing buy. So, it can be worth considering. SNOO actually offers a 30 day money back guarantee, so this could be tempting to trial its effectiveness.

If we even forgot about night time and just considered how useful this might be in the day, when you are in the shower, making food, talking to the postman, it does mean if the baby stirs that you can be fairly happy that it will go back to sleep. It’s these little things that make parenting that little bit easier.

Yet, the main discrepancy between the products is if you want to pay near triple the money for the SNOO in comparison to the GRACO.

Indeed, if you consider the price of SNOOs other products that are included in the SNOO smart sleeper price such as the SNOO sleep sacks, SNOO bassinet sheet, and mattress and water-resistant cover, this isn’t so out of whack. You would actually save money buying the SNOO Smart Sleeper than all the products you get with it individually.

However, some may just find this price a little too steep for extra items and an app, while others will love the data the app feeds them about their baby and the customizability it offers.

The Graco Sense2Snooze is a totally valid purchase on its own, yes there is no app but you are saving quite a lot of money by purchasing the GRACO over the SNOO.

So, final verdict? If budget is not an issue, we would choose the SNOO for it’s app and the additional products included with the SNOO Smart Sleeper.

Our Top Pick
SNOO Smart Sleeper Baby Bassinet - Bedside Crib with Automatic Rocking Motions and Soothing White Noise

The SNOO Smart sleeper bassinet combines technology, innovation, and comfort to help soothe your baby to sleep!

This automatic rocking bassinet works off an in-built microphone, which in response to your baby’s cries, helps them to sleep with vibrations, movement, and lullabies.

But what sets the SNOO smart sleeper apart from the rest is their compatible app so you can control the bassinet with a simple touch on your phone.

04/17/2024 04:03 am GMT

Final Thoughts on Graco Sense to Snooze Vs SNOO

Just like most things parenting, there is no right or wrong answer.

The SNOO smart sleeper is certainly a fantastic product, it is optimized and is most likely to bring success out of any of the products. But is it worth the extra money?

Ultimately, this is your decision as a parent to make.

The Graco SensetoSnooze is very reasonably priced but you do get a little bit less of an optimized product, you may have less control of the settings but you will have saved a good amount of money.

The choice is yours, but these automated rocking bassinets are great even if you just need five minutes of quiet while you have a shower, this can be really helpful in most domestic situations even when you aren’t asleep yourself.

Parents choosing between the two will have to decide which function they prefer, and what their budget will allow.

And if you’re looking for more great guides, make sure to check out these guides on  best SNOO alternativesSNOO vs mamaRoo, and Halo vs SNOO. Or even our guide on when to stop using SNOO!

Our Top Pick
Graco Sense2Snooze Bassinet with Cry Detection Technology

The Graco Sense2Snooze is a fantastic option when it comes to SNOO alternatives!

It's main feature is it's cry detection technology. 

There are 3 speed variations, 2 vibration settings, 10 songs, and 10 soothing sounds, plus white noise, to calm and quiet your baby. And when you know what works for your little one, you can save the preferred settings for a quicker response when fussing starts. 

The built-in storage and wheels also makes it easy to move your bassinet to where you need it most.

04/22/2024 02:03 am GMT
Our Top Pick
SNOO Smart Sleeper Baby Bassinet - Bedside Crib with Automatic Rocking Motions and Soothing White Noise

The SNOO Smart sleeper bassinet combines technology, innovation, and comfort to help soothe your baby to sleep!

This automatic rocking bassinet works off an in-built microphone, which in response to your baby’s cries, helps them to sleep with vibrations, movement, and lullabies.

But what sets the SNOO smart sleeper apart from the rest is their compatible app so you can control the bassinet with a simple touch on your phone.

04/17/2024 04:03 am GMT
Baby in SNOO bassinet with SNOO vs Graco Sense2snooze text overlay.